Sunday, July 11, 2010

No.1 (my entery after a loong time?)

Its been ages since I last wrote something and posted it as a blog. My last blog was years ago... I think I was still studying at Sri Acmar and if I'm not mistaken.. I was studying for PMR.

Wow... It's been that long? Haha... Time sure flies when I'm not paying attention.
So this is my first entry after a long time, sorry if I'm typing crap. I tend to type what ever is in my head without drafting it first.

If your wondering what my blog is all about... Hrm.. Well, if you hate reading than I'm sure you'll enjoy my blog because my blog is going to tell my story through pictures that I took. I'll write every once in awhile or when ever I feel like it.. I mean whats a blog without words?

But for now.. this blog will be full of words. Since I am no longer at home with my beloved "Darling", I am now in UiTM Melaka studying masscom!! Its already August, year is coming to an end soon. I wonder, by then... what will become of this blog. Lets hope that this time... this blog of mine is much better than the last one.

So this is the official my 1st entry and its short and crap. Hahaha!!

I promise... my next entry will be much better.. and maybe with some photos too!
And who knows... maybe this will be a better "today"